Hey all! To enable real time messaging for my expo...
# help
Hey all! To enable real time messaging for my expo/react native app, I'm using a Supabase subscription. When the app loads, a useEffect gets triggered, and the subscription starts up with status "SUBSCRIBED". Immediately after, however, I'll many times see "CLOSED" and then sometimes "RETRYING_AFTER_TIMEOUT". In Supabase I've enabled realtime on my messages table, and I can see in my dashboard that realtime requests are being made. Here's the code for setting up the subscription & listening to changes to the subscription's status: useEffect(() => { const subscription = supabase .from("messages") .on("INSERT", (payload) => { console.log("Message send received!"); setMessages([...messages, payload.new]); }) .subscribe((status) => console.log("subscribe", status)); return () => { supabase.removeSubscription(subscription); }; }, [messages]); Does anyone know why the subscription is immediately closing - and what I can do to prevent that from happening?
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Probably related to this, https://github.com/supabase/realtime-js/issues/121 But would need to see a trace of your websockets to know if it is that or some other related issue. Realtime requires a 60 heartbeat and when apps go into background that is not guaranteed.
Sobhan (2022-06-02)
Hey Gary, read through the github thread and not totally sure if it's the same issue I'm having because: My error occurs right after the app loads. The subscription drops right after the react context its stored in mounts - not after 60 seconds.
It is not that issue then.
Huh, in that case is the problem most likely with my code or Supabase?
Could you advise on any potential next steps?
Your call looks fine. I would guess something about your react native setup and realtime. I've not used it. Can you see network requests, in particular the websocket messages?
https://github.com/supabase/realtime/issues/254 just throwing stuff out there at the moment, but that looks close as far as error symptoms, but not sure on environment.
Hey Gary, thank you so much for your help! I found a (kind of bad) but workable solution, and learned some stuff about Supabase realtime in the process. Main learning: Supabase doesn't like it when you quickly subscribe, unsusbscribe, and susbscribe again. So if you're doing react development, and your context re-renders multiple times, then Supabase will glitch. My code: I had a 'useEffect' hook that ran when the app loaded. useEffect has a 'dependency array' and whenever an item in that array updates value, the entire context re-renders. Because I was updating the 'messages' state with all the previous messages + the new message from my supabase subscription, each time I updated the 'messages' state, I triggered a re-render of the context, leading to a very quick subscribe -> unsubscribe -> subscribe, causing an error with Supabase. I've included the code that works for me below. Note that I'm purposefully excluding the 'messages' state from the useEffect dependency array to prevent a re-render - but that excluding the 'messages' state means I'm not adhering to best practices.
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]); const [delayedStart, setDelayedStart] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => setDelayedStart(true), 420); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!delayedStart) return () => null; // Listen for messages const subscription = supabase .from("messages") .on("INSERT", (payload) => { console.log("Message send received!"); setMessages([...messages, payload.new]); }) .subscribe((status) => console.log("subscribe", status)); return () => { supabase.removeSubscription(subscription); }; }, [delayedStart]);
@Sobhan I'm sure the key was the 420... 😎
Yes hahaha - I should probably experiment with different delay amounts lmao
Update! Below is better code - that doesn't break react's rules:
const [delayedStart, setDelayedStart] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => setDelayedStart(true), 420); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!delayedStart) return () => null; // Listen for messages const subscription = supabase .from("messages") .on("INSERT", (payload) => { console.log("Message send received!"); if (payload.new.organization_id === userProfile.active_org_id) { console.log( "Value of old messages:", messages, "Value of new message:", payload.new ); setMessages([...messages, payload.new]); setDelayedStart(false); setTimeout(() => setDelayedStart(true), 420); } }) .subscribe((status) => console.log("subscribe", status)); return () => { // setDelayedStart(false); supabase.removeSubscription(subscription); }; }, [delayedStart, userProfile, messages]);