Hello there! i've setup my own confirmation email ...
# help
Hello there! i've setup my own confirmation email with ```supabase.auth.api.generateLink```& Sendgrid, which works perfectly. But I don't see a way to disable Supabase auto mail on Signup (from Supabase Auth -> Template in the UI) to be sent. How can I disable this automatic send from Supabase ? Thanks !
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I'm not familiar with using generateLink, but the only switch I can think of to stop confirm email is "enable email confirmations" in auth settings.
Julien (2022-05-30)
This will just disable the need of confirmation. I want to make my user confirm there mail, but with a more elaborate email template, that's why I used generatedlink.
Ah, like I said I've not used it and thought maybe it allowed taking care of the confirmation process yourself.
nope, I though too but it just remove the need of confirm. Thanks anyway
@garyaustin if you know anyone who can answer this I would be glad to have a contact ! 😄
You might start an issue in Supabase/gotrue GitHub.