Is it possible Supabase Storage is down? My bucket...
# help
Is it possible Supabase Storage is down? My bucket doesn't appear and I can't access anything related to it...
Sorry I posted to wrong question initially, but my storage is working on us west 1
Posted this to wrong question
Storage down?
I can't see any buckets. eu-west-1. Same happened approx 12h ago.
Still no bucket, I am ca-central-1
The assets (pretty small images) in my folder resolves after ca 60s, so it seems slow, not down. The Supabase dashboard doesn't display any buckets though.
I wonder if this only affects the free plan? I'm thinking about upgrading, but I need really good uptime on the storage level.
It's probably just the free plan. It's up now for me
Still down for me
It takes 60s to resolve via http - pretty consistent too 🙂