Hi! I've been working with supabase for a bit now ...
# help
Hi! I've been working with supabase for a bit now and have experienced a first today. One of our clients is using an aggressive spam protection layer (mimecast specifically). This is causing issues with any tokens in links (reset password, magic link, etc) because I think the spam protection layer is hitting the URL before it passes through the email. Anything going through these emails seems to give a 404 user not found error. Any ideas on what can be done? My goal is for them to reset their passwords.
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https://github.com/supabase/gotrue/issues/368 has some suggested workarounds. I've started looking at just otp code instead of the links, but that is because I have a single page webapp and email links open a new browser window.
Glockstrap (2022-05-02)
I think that confirmationURL as query param is going to be the solution for now. Thanks for pointing that out
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