Hello, I'm trying out Supabase for the first time ...
# help
Hello, I'm trying out Supabase for the first time and I've run into an issue... I have a function that I want to do database manipulation from, like this example but an insert() instead of a select(): https://github.com/supabase/supabase/blob/master/examples/edge-functions/supabase/functions/select-from-table-with-auth-rls/index.ts But running locally I get
error: Module not found "file:///home/deno/functions/_shared/cors.ts".
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However that relative path import work must be working in general, because my previous line of
import { supabaseClient } from '../_shared/supabaseClient.ts'
seems to import with no problem. I wonder if "cors" moved locations?
Strike that, I took out the cors import but now I see
error: Module not found "file:///home/deno/functions/_shared/supabaseClient.ts".
seems like it was showing the errors in non-lexical order
Do you have the _shared directory in your functions directory?
jpsimons (2022-05-05)
Oh, I feel dumb, I don't.
Let me copy those in and try
Yep it's all working now. The only minor issue I'm having is getting the the IP address of the request... if deployed, for
I just get, and for
I get null. In local development is seems to give me a real IP address for x-real-ip.
If you are asking for help on that, I suggest a new question, but at same time realize, it is a very new feature, and not many may have info for you.
Sounds good. Btw I'm making a blog post about how I added simple analytics to my personal site using Supabase, I'll post the link here when that's ready
I'm sure SB would appreciate it and a link in showcase maybe is the spot.
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