Where is the server-side authorization code that r...
# help
Where is the server-side authorization code that runs on supabase. When I call /auth/v1/authorise?provide=abcdef or /auth/v1/callback...where on Github is the backend code that handles those requests?
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Auth is handled by GoTrue. Supabase uses a forked version of GoTrue.
kwangure (2022-05-14)
From what I can tell, GoTrue, is the client...I'm looking for the server side code that's running on Supabase servers, not on mine in the client, functions or middleware etc. When I read through the GoTrue lib it seems to be making the authorization requests to a Supabase URL. I'm looking for the code that sets up postgres, receives a request, and stores the user in the database etc. Users typically don't need to write this logic because it's handled by Supabase internally...I'm looking for that code. Is there something I'm missing or false assumptions I'm making?
If this is publicly available, a link to the source on GitHub would be appreciated.
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I was looking the wrong place.