What are the sql commands, to obtain the descripti...
# sql
What are the sql commands, to obtain the description of a project including tables with keys, restrictions and relationships, etc. Thank you
There are no SQL commands for this, this information is stored in Supabase's own DB and not the one hosted for you
Also some of these things are on a table to table basis
Not sure what you mean by keys? as in primary keys?
thank you, https://github.com/zernonia/supabase-schemasolves something, I like how it creates the diagram. On the other hand I remembered * show * from mysql, which is clear to me that it is not easy.
I leave you this track :
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables; -- where schemaname = 'public'; SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'posts';