Hello all. I'm having some issues with getting my ...
# help
Hello all. I'm having some issues with getting my twitter authentication working. The user can see my app listed in their profile as having access, but supabase provides the following error on redirect:
Here are my settings in twitters dev portal:
Here is the tutorial I am following:
I noticed you are trying locally. I'm not sure if mine has ever worked locally. Only when I deployed. I also see the following when using it local.
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  [10:20:51] 200 ─ 0.67ms ─ /?error=server_error&error_description=Request+token+doesn%27t+match+token+in+callback
  [10:21:59] 200 ─ 2.80ms ─ /
To fix it locally I need to set the
as twitter doesn't like localhost
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HOST= npm run start
I also had to add the following Authentication -> Configuration -> Settings -> Additional Redirect URLs ->
Thank you for this info. I also deployed this to vercel and this is still happening.
This is happening for me also
has anyone resolved it?
it's happening to me as well
Apparently, twitter API won't let you read email if you have only got standard access. You need elevated access for supabase auth to work.
so upgrade your account to elevated.