Is there a way to return more than 50 records from...
# help
Is there a way to return more than 50 records from the auth.api.listUsers() route?
Not well documented, but you might be able to set page (0 or 1) not sure and perPage to your count as called out here: No idea if that is current or not though...
Thanks! Any idea how I would actually implement this in the function call? Could not at least get it to work quickly demoing.
Not without working on it, and since I'm not positive it actually works like they show, may be wasted. You could probably write a postgres function to read the auth table, and call by rpc call, but then you have to deal with limiting who can call it in the function as it would probably have to be "security definer" to get to the auth table.
Yeah not too sure either. Thanks for the help, I'll look into this! At least according to this auth.api.listUsers takes no parameters, source code is consistent with this. So probably not implemented in the supabase-js package.
That's correct, it doesn't.