is it safe to be making calls directly to supabase...
# off-topic
is it safe to be making calls directly to supabase from the client side via the js SDK? I think it's cool given that I'm using a public key and a JWT (in addition to RLS on tables) for each call. But I'm not sure how I feel about showing the location of supabase url
is the DB url and public key enough to wreck havoc?
should these calls be routed through BE calls?
if your policies are set up correctly, no
Both the URL and anon key can be exposed in the front-end. The anon key will adhere to row-level security policies. Technically, someone could grab both of those things from the network tab of a browser and use them elsewhere, but if you have RLS policies that check
in place, they won't be able to access the tables unless they've got an authed user. You've got a few options: - Accept it - Route requests through an API, which introduces more complexity as you have to proxy requests back to the front-end (including headers) If you were self-hosting, you could definitely setup CORS policies - I've not personally dug into that, but I know there's some in place in the self-hosted version, though I think it's just
/ all origins
Thanks @User
Thinking about it, CORS might even be limited to the site url in auth settings - not 100% sure on that, maybe one of the team can clarify
and what affect would that have if true? Only calls from the
Site URL
declared in settings would be permitted?
Assuming I'm correct, yeah, that would be the case. Looking through the source for the gotrue repo now to see if I can confirm
Just checked, and the CORS handler ( doesn't specify an
parameter (as per, so it looks like all origins are allowed :\
hey thanks for your diligence there!
maybe there's good reason for that API design? It'd be interesting to hear the case for it
I'd also be interested to hear the reasoning too. I've opened a thread - #871172819201953822, but it might be worth opening a github discussion on it if that doesn't get any replies
I’d say CORS is irrelevant for Supabase, security wise
A cross origin would need to obtain a token anyway to send it along the request.
DoS wise, there’s more effective ways than using users’ browsers
As for the security of client side calls, with proper RLS you’re fine. However, I stay away from client side mutations
I only ever allow SELECT
with ocasional inserts/updates for super simple stuff (an example is a voting system for comments).
Another example, where I would never do client side inserts, is the comment itself. That’s something that requires plenty of logic that won’t work at database level.
So yeah, go head on for direct selects with RLS, and proxy other operations through your backend for proper sanitization (unless it something simple where it’s super easy to add constraints).
DELETE is another operation you could safely allow directly and handle it via RLS, since generally you won’t have complex conditions for deleting stuff
generally. Obviously depends a lot on your architecture and app.
That's a fair point, and I thought about it a little more after I woke up today. Security is just one aspect of it, albeit a very important one, and you're correct that a token would need to be obtained, which would be impossible due to the redirect URI in place. My consideration isn't really DoS since that's an entirely separate concern. Likewise, good RLS policies are essential in any PG environment so I'm not concerned about how those tie in with CORS. My concern is really for tables where you've got truly public data (e.g. pricing for products) that you might not want being displayed elsewhere than your website. If you've got a bunch of random websites feeding on data from your database, that's resources being dedicated to serving those queries which could be better used for serving legitimate queries from authorised sources. I guess I'd just like the option to be able to say 'only these websites can access the database via REST'. It won't stop a server-side environment, but it could certainly reduce the number of requests that shouldn't ever hit your database in the first place.
I usually hate the idea of making it easy for people to use my data directly, but in the end, it doesn’t matter
Chances someone would do it that way are slim, and they would just proxy data if they really had to
But it would indeed be nice to have the option to just say no
Also, this would be best implemented at Kong level rather than gotrue server, since you’d want CORS for all api requests
Could also probably easily allow per component CORS settings since every Supabase component sites on a different path