I'm trying to implement a RLS policy using the fol...
# off-topic
I'm trying to implement a RLS policy using the following "Using expression": >
Copy code
auth.uid() in (
>   select   profile."userId"
>   from     profile, "_profileToteam", project
>   where    profile.id = "_profileToteam"."A"
>     and    "_profileToteam"."B" = project."teamId"
>     and    project.id = id
> )
but I'm getting the error: > Error adding policy: column reference "id" is ambiguous My understanding from the documentation here: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/auth/row-level-security that the "id" would be the project id. Why is it "ambiguous" or is referring to something else?
Can you clarify table name this policy is on. It is clear you have a profile table you are doing the where on, but then you refer to a project table (project.id) and then I assume id itself is supposed to be in the table the policy is on.
yes, the policy is on the project table
Is it possible that the policy should look like:
Copy code
auth.uid() in (
  select   profile."userId"
  from     profile, "_profileToteam"
  where    profile.id = "_profileToteam"."A"
    and    "_profileToteam"."B" = teamId
where teamId is coming from the project table? When I do that I get the errorr: > Error adding policy: column "teamid" does not exist Is that because all table column names need to be lowercase?
It's ambiguous because multiple tables have an
column, and it doesn't know which table you're referring to. In your first code sample, it's not obvious what the final
= id
is referencing. In general, using camelCasing in table names opens up a big can of worms, and underscore_case is generally preferable.
Are you sure about camelCasing? The only table name that is camelCased was generated by Prisma (a database ORM)
Prisma generates table names in a weird way, its based on the model name rather than following the DB engine's best/recommended practices
At a minimum teamId would need to be "teamId"
In your original message the issue is what @User has stated about having more than one table with a
column. You also stated that the
in reference would be the project id, but why are you checking if
project.id = project.id
I was thinking that I only had the "id" of the project to reference, but I needed to reference against the team_id field (I've changed the column names to be all lower case as well) - That seems to have fixed it
Thanks for the help