i trying to connect my supabase db via pgadmin but...
# off-topic
i trying to connect my supabase db via pgadmin but getting
could not connect to server: No route to host Is the server running on host "db.lksadjflksadjfsad.supabase.co" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I have postgres running locally and I was able to connect to my supabase db yesterday and no changes were made. any ideas?
Check if your project is frozen or try connecting with another GUI client and see if it makes a difference. I had an issue where TablePlus wouldn't connect to my Postgres DB anymore after upgrading it but Beekeeper Studio would still connect.
i've tried with pgadmin and PSQL
they both dont work
Can you check that the instance hasn't been paused?
How do I check that?
From inside of the Supabase dashboard, the project will say paused if it is
it doesnt say anything about it being paused unless I'm looking in the wrong place
If you are seeing that then its not paused
postgrs is running locally
I was on a public wifi but then switched to my mobile's data but still nothing
Try with Beekeeper Studio and let me know if you are having the same issue otherwise open an issue using the support form https://app.supabase.io/support/new
ok im downloading beekeeper now. i was looking for an alternative to pgadmin anyways
ok it seems like it must've been because I was on a free public wifi connection. they must have a firewall preventing the connection.
i tried testing connecting on my home wifi and it works
i think there's a fail2ban somewhere, this happened to me just now, im being locked out while on my home wifi, i failed to type the correct password three times then this error showed
oh never mind, tried port 6543 as port and it worked. dashboard still shows 5432 as port though, maybe a bug?
Not a bug, 5432 works but you were probably banned by fail2ban on that port, it will reset after 30 minutes and then you can try with the 5432 port again.
oh! thanks for clarifying! So it really was fail2ban. 🙏