Hi! I am launching my Supabase powered app to prod...
# help
Hi! I am launching my Supabase powered app to production, for that I need to create a clean copy of my public schema. I can not seem to be able to run pg_dump on the dashboard sql editor. has anyone done this before? any other suggestions on how to have two Supabase projects, one for development and one for production are welcome! Thanks
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Hi You can't use the ``pg_dump`` in the sql editor indeed, but you can use it on your side in any terminal you have. The connection URI is available in settings @Zozo
Zozo (2022-05-09)
Here is the command i'm using to backup my Supabase database
Copy code
pg_dump -d "<your connection string>" > backup.sql
thank you! @Olyno I managed to backup through pgAdmin.